just a post social culture

Black Lives Matter

As a white man, I know I have privilege just due to the color of my skin.   It is not a surprise that across our country (hell, the world) massive protests are occurring against the police brutality and systemic racist policies in place that keep this 400+ year system in place.  It’s always been rigged […]

just a post pop culture social culture

So It’s Actually Going to Happen!

I got the call this morning….I’m going to be on Jeopardy! Well, okay, I will be on the show, but it’s not a definite thing yet as to when.  I get to be an “alternate” for an upcoming taping, which means I have a 50/50 shot of getting on the show.  They need locals who […]

pictures pop culture social culture

Hollywood Bowl Double Header: West Side Story + Diana Ross

Concert #1 – West Side Story @ the Hollywood Bowl, July 14, 2016 Larry & I were super-ambitious with our Hollywood Bowl ticket selections this year.  We had once sworn off weeknight Bowl concerts as they can be kind of exhausting to go to after a day of work.  But we went for it anyway, […]

pictures pop culture social culture

Our Activity-Filled July 4 Weekend

It’s been one hell of a 4-day weekend – a much needed one, to be sure.  Today, the actual holiday of July 4, is probably going to be the most relaxing day of it all, and that’s absolutely perfect for us.  Stay a while, look at some pictures, as we’ve had some fun activities this […]

just a post pictures pop culture social culture

Visited by Fran and Other Photo Stories

Fran made a Los Angeles visit at precisely the right time, as she was able to be out here while the pretty intense snowstorm / blizzard went on back east.  That storm didn’t end up dumping a ton of snow on NYC and New Jersey but it definitely hit Boston and New England pretty hard. […]