on life pictures

Larry’s Barcelona Birthday!

May 30, 2013 – Day 2 in Barcelona The happy day is finally here in that this will close out the posts from the 2013 Mediterranean Cruise that Larry & I took.  Yes, it has been almost a year in coming.  I’m not proud of this fact.  But it’s here and it’s probably almost time […]


Barcelona Awesomeness, Day 1 (Part 2)

May 29, 2013 – Day 1 in Barcelona (continued) I knew this next part of the day would take up a lot of the remaining pictures so I figured, let’s just break up Day 1 into two, as I think the big money shot of the day is the Sagrada Familia, and who wants to […]


The Unbelievable Beauty of Barcelona, Day 1 (Part 1)

May 29, 2013 – Day 1 in Barcelona So while technically this is the next in line of the Med Cruise II pictures, the cruise was at this point ending!!!!  OH NOES!!!  Couldn’t complain about one thing and it was fantastic getting to experience the Western side of the Mediterranean versus the Eastern when we […]


Med Cruise II: Last 2 Days at Sea

I’m grouping these last two days together as they were kind of a long big blur of a time – a good time, but it was really just the ship heading back from Kotor all the way to Barcelona, so occasionally you’d see some neat stuff from the ship, but mostly it was ways to […]


Med Cruise II: Surprising Kotor

Surprise!  Okay, maybe there wasn’t truly a moment where either Larry or I jumped out and surprised Kotor.  But this city in Montenegro was quite a beautiful surprise and I won’t be surprised to see its popularity grow due to its natural beauty. May 26, 2012 – Kotor, Montenegro On Day 11, it was our […]