just a post

No Longer a Homeowner!

It really happened and everything went through as had been hoped for:  my Colorado Springs home now belongs to someone else! Bye Bye, Lisa Drive It’s surreal for it to be actually a true statement.  I no longer own a home.  HOLY SHIT.  Do you even understand the stress that has been on my back […]

geek stuff just a post pictures pop culture

Pictures from Colorado and of the New TV

Let’s have a post where I get the picture situation under control and take care of it before I get way out of date!   Got a few sets of photos for this post, one of work stuff while the rest are fun fun fun! January 22 – 24, 2014 – Denver, Colorado During this past […]

just a post

Life on the Rails

With Los Angeles steadily increasing its mass transit options, especially with fuel prices staying still pretty fucking high (a conversation at work indicated that it’s pretty fucked up when we think that a gallon of gas dipping under $4 is great….it’s shocking that gas is as expensive as it is yet we’re used to it […]

just a post pictures

Colorado Springs Revisited (MM)

We’ve now resumed our regularly-scheduled programming, bitches!  I was a tad drunk still when I wrote my last post, but I think I emerged from it unscathed.  It was a great dinner to say farewell to one of the most incredible team members our group has ever had.  In that spiel I wrote, I promised […]

just a post on life

Chinese Silver Tubes (MM)

I’m not going to promise you a rose garden, so let’s consider this a place of honesty.  I have plenty of pictures from my trip back to Colorado Springs – that’s true.  But I’m in no condition to post them just yet.  I’ve just returned from an NBC team dinner and yes, I got suitably […]