just a post on life pictures

Head Shave 2007 (T-111)

I woke up this morning and realized, bald spot and receding hairline be damned, I’m just going to get my head shaved. And off I went to Supercuts and Jenna was there who did an amazing job I must say. Compared to my self-butcherings, this fade cut looks pretty good all things considered. A #1 […]

on life

Drop Kicking Cancer (T-118)

Civilian Jenny was diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma and so it is now time to drop kick this cancer out of her. I’m not exactly sure if drop-kicking is an effective treatment endorsed by the American Cancer Society, but it’s what I want to do. I have been reading her blog and she is in amazing […]

just a post pictures

It’s Snowing. Seriously. In April. (T-129)

And by tomorrow, it’s supposed to be warm in the 60s again. Crazy! Okay, so it’s been a week and a half since I’ve last updated. Plenty has happened! I finished Transition Assistance Program last week – I am SOOO stoked about getting out of the military. There was lots of good info that I […]

just a post pop culture

Got Myself a Nintendo Wii (T-180)

It was one of those very rare right-place right-time things! So there I was on Saturday afternoon – we (Susan, Jeff, Jeremy and I) had just finished going to Lowe’s to buy some paint and we were now at the fun part of the day: going to Best Buy to look around! I didn’t see […]

just a post pictures

Suck, Suckity, Suck Suck Suck (T-190)

I had one of those afternoons that kept on giving. Yeah, definitely not one of those afternoons you wake up in the morning hoping to have. I had been at meetings all morning at Peterson AFB and came up to Cheyenne Mountain afterwards to work on a decoration package – something that wouldn’t take all […]