
LOL: The Upcoming Elections

In the HuffingtonPost they always link to a satirical news site called 23/6: All the News You Can Misuse.  It’s a lot like the Onion.  But there are some ridiculously funny articles in it – two of which I read today. 1)  This one is about the upcoming fear that voters actually will be wanting to […]


Running Fool

This week was nuts. Very glad it’s concluded. While the first week that my boss was away was pretty much non-eventful, this last week? Not so much. I can say it was one of those ‘I Really Learned a Lot’ weeks and even better, we all managed to keep things going well. And that’s all […]


Great Opinion Piece on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

I’m posting this from the Huffington Post; it’s written by the first servicemember who was wounded in the Second Iraq War and who also happened to be gay. It tells very well how the policy is pretty much ridiculous….and well, he writes it much better than I do: Last year, one of the first […]


DOTANTE: Latin Babelfish style

I noticed something that it was fixed could you test in dev and it is working I sent the ticket to fix this in STG? Yeah, I know what he’s getting at, but still, this is good stuff. I like the Ron Burgundy question mark at the end.


iPhone 2.0 RULES

Oh dear lord – just when I thought I couldn’t experience any more emotions when it came to iPhone this evening, I was proven wrong. As I went and downloaded a ton of Apps from the iTunes App store and found that the iPhone’s initial (and amazing) usefulness has just exploded into sheer HOLY GOD […]