
Dotante: Latin Babelfish Style

It keeps happening all the time, of course, but this one is good because I really can’t tell what he’s trying to say to me, which means I’m just going to have to do lots of testing in the application to figure it out. But here goes: You just need to take out the comments […]


DOTANTE: Latin Babelfish style

I noticed something that it was fixed could you test in dev and it is working I sent the ticket to fix this in STG? Yeah, I know what he’s getting at, but still, this is good stuff. I like the Ron Burgundy question mark at the end.


DOTANTE: Latin Babelfish style

are you sure you don’t meet are a help our sure any mark with the call Seriously…have no clue.


DOTANTE: Latin Babelfish style

So I’m the Project Manager for the development of an electronic library application – sounds simple enough, but trust me, it’s not, as this program is growing legs and eventually getting integrated with nearly everything at NBC, including traffic systems, commercial electronic delivery, etc. I am developing Skynet. 🙂 Anyways, the contracted firm we use […]