geek stuff just a post

Mini-Meltdown, iPhone-style

Man, when one of your prime pieces of technologies decides to take a shit on you, it can reaaaaaalllly fuck with your day/emotions/state of mind.  Today was that day for me, as my when deciding to install the latest iOS on my work iPhone, it asked me for my passcode…and I apparently did NOT remember […]

geek stuff just a post pop culture

Miscellaneous Monday

Various stuff from the past few days: I got my new iPhone 6!  (so did Larry) We waited patiently during the 2 years since we both got our iPhone 5 back in 2012, and finally, finally, our day to upgrade came.  Pre-ordered back on Sept 12 which guaranteed our delivery of the phone this past Friday. […]


iPhone 2.0 RULES

Oh dear lord – just when I thought I couldn’t experience any more emotions when it came to iPhone this evening, I was proven wrong. As I went and downloaded a ton of Apps from the iTunes App store and found that the iPhone’s initial (and amazing) usefulness has just exploded into sheer HOLY GOD […]


iPhone LIVES

Whew. So I updated (or rather, I tried to) my iPhone’s software to the 2.0 version that was released along with the iPhone 3G, as the software works on both the old and new models of the iPhone. I have never had problems doing this with the previous updates. Well, iTunes finished downloading the software […]


Don’t do this to me, iPhone

I just tried updating my ‘old-school’ iPhone to the 2.0 software and it failed, and made my iPhone basically an expensive, pretty brick. OMG. It’s doing a restore right now and if that fails, I am going to be beyond pissed.