on life

4 Minutes

A damn fine song from Madonna. I’ve just pre-ordered the new album, Hard Candy (Deluxe Edition), from iTunes and you get to download the single. Love this song. I think that’s also the amount of time I had left to change the front picture before Jenny would literally show up at 30 Rock and pummel […]

on life

Me and My Big…

Mouth. If you can’t figure it out from the headline, well, let me spell it out for you. I’m no longer dating Steve. It seems my honesty was a bit much. I actually can see that it’s for the best that we go our separate ways, because although he is amazing, the situation and circumstances […]

just a post

Brenda Dickson – A Parody

So Steve sent me a collection of YouTube links that are effing hysterical. I’ll just let his email speak for the funny: When you have a good 30 minutes to sit and enjoy hilariousness and fowl mouth tomfoolery, you must get caught up with Brenda Dickson. Brenda played Jill on Young and the Restless in […]

just a post

Ah, the Azores

My laptop’s Internet Explorer homepage is set to go to the AOL site for some reason, and I’ve never changed it – laziness, I guess. But I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the pic of Faial and realized the Azores were a travel ‘spotlight’ on the site! And for old […]

just a post

C U Next Tuesday

Nah, I’ll probably see you sooner, at least virtually. But I had never heard this particular way to swear before. Love it. So like I said, I was only going to have Steve’s pic on the front for one day. This website is all about me and it’s not really fair or all that cool […]