just a post pictures

Fran & Joel Out in Los Angeles / UFOs

Last night we drove down to DTLA to meet up with Fran & Joel as they’re out here for a banking convention.  We’ve not seen them since our engagement and Fran hasn’t seen Larry even when he got sick, so it was good that we all got a chance to see each other.  Not that […]

on life pictures

Maybe the Oviatt?

Actually, yes, the Oviatt.  As in Oviatt Penthouse.  For a wedding.  As it is awesome.  We just came back from a tour of it and it is just amazing.  The building that the Oviatt is in old and has tons of art deco styling, but the views from when you’re up top are just fantastic.  […]

just a post pictures

As April Chugs Along

I’ve not had much to write about it seems – the weekends are getting a bit better in that we’re not having to spend all day both days doing stuff around the house.  This last weekend was actually very nice in that regard – it was the mounting of the TV and not much else. […]


Bar-Crawling Through Space and Los Angeles

Larry & I got out of the house yesterday and I had big plans for us.  We were going to go see the Endeavour in the early afternoon, then swing by either Cole’s or Philippe’s for a French Dip, then take the Gold Line into Pasadena and go visit the Norton Simon museum.  Yeah…that’s a […]

just a post pop culture

Los Angeles Plays Itself

CurbedLA shared a video created by someone who attached a GoPro camera to a personal R/C drone (I so want to play with that kind of a setup myself now) and flew it around Downtown LA capturing views of the Historic Core area.  It’s stunning: Larry & I have looked a few times at places […]