I google’d the street I live on because that’s what you do when you don’t want to go to bed just yet. I was interested to see if I could find anything easy-to-find about the street and the buildings on it. Google probably isn’t the best to find real true “stories” but I did find an […]
Tag: apartment
If You Seek Amy
That’s the title of one of Britney Spears’ new songs and if you say it just right, it is also highly juvenile yet HILARIOUS. I can’t believe one of her songs is titled that. WELL! Here’s where things stand now that it’s 2009 – I now have TWO apartments and ONE house. I have officially become a […]
Pics of the new place
The original ad has been taken down (sorry Jenny – cute agent photo is now gone) so I wanted to re-post the pictures that were on the ad. It’s obviously the way it looks with the previous tenant’s stuff in it. It’ll be interesting to contrast with how it will look in a few months. I say […]
It’s been a great year and change living in New Jersey with Shelly, but I always knew it was a temporary stepping stone to living on my own again. And preferably, in New York City. Well, after some searching and searching, I ended up finding a place that is unbelievable. It’s a studio, but I […]

Where the hell have I been? Gosh, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Sorry ’bout that, y’all! What’s the crazy exciting news going on right now, you ask? I am moving to NEW YORK CITY! I know, I know, didn’t I do that over a year ago? Kinda. But I was still across the river in Jersey. Close, […]