just a post pictures pop culture

Who Me, Stressed?

This week was my first one in which I’d spend the entire week at work without any bit of training, even a 1-day jaunt to Atlanta! So the beginning of the week was me first having a bit of a stress-out realizing that I have to start making things happen!  Guess what?  Things started happening […]


Pics of the New Glendale Place

I’m far too anxious/nervous/stressed out to do a drawn out post, so here, have some pics I took today when we finalized the lease and picked up our keys.  It’s going to be a great place – a bit smaller than what we’re used to currently, but I think it’s going to be fun.


Silver Lake and a brief Med Cruise II mention

I’m not even about to tackle those topics all at once right now, as hell, that’s a lot of typing and work and lots of pictures that haven’t been posted, but I wanted to chime in and let you know that I’m still alive and that lots of stuff has happened! First, in May, Larry […]

just a post pictures


Nothing dramatic, mind you.  But Larry & I have been slowly but surely replacing and adding things to our home.  Last fall, we got rid of the brown couch I had bought when first moving into NYC; we also replace the bed frame I’d had since picking it up in an outlet furniture warehouse in […]

on life pictures

Mid-Century Madness & Other Tales

Up front, I admit I don’t have any real good tales to tell, and let’s be honest here, does anyone here actually read what I’ve got to say?  Now that Facebook and Twitter dominate the scene, anything beyond a few sentences elicits a tl;dr almost immediately from anyone.  Regardless, I can’t help it and will write […]