just a post pictures

KD & Eric Got Married! (T-80)

Those crazy kids tied the knot on Sunday Afternoon! And I’ve got the pictures to prove it! See Below. You’ll notice that it was a beautiful day and Jeff did an awesome job marrying them. And I did an awesome job escorting people out of the background – as you’ll see in pics below, there’s […]

just a post

Let the Jobs Roll In? (T-107)

I got my first contact with an actual employer! I am thinking that this would be a great opportunity and I’m definitely going to continue talking with these guys to see if this actually is something offer me. I would still have to think thoroughly about it though – the job is not here in […]

just a post pictures

It’s Snowing. Seriously. In April. (T-129)

And by tomorrow, it’s supposed to be warm in the 60s again. Crazy! Okay, so it’s been a week and a half since I’ve last updated. Plenty has happened! I finished Transition Assistance Program last week – I am SOOO stoked about getting out of the military. There was lots of good info that I […]

just a post

Might be a snow day today…(T-140)

I’m totally gambling on that possibility too, as I am WAY up past my bedtime. When I got home today, I took a nap. I haven’t done that in forever. But doing absolutely nothing at work is actually exhausting. I kid you not. And since we all left a little early today as it was […]

just a post pictures

Who’s Going to London? (T-201)

That would be ME! Indeed, I’ll be returning to my favorite European city at the end of March. And I couldn’t be happier about it, let me tell you! You know, I’ve been meaning to get back to the website for a while (sounds familiar, I know…) but frankly the past few weeks haven’t been […]