geek stuff

Adventures in WordPress

I am pleased and quite amazed at how wonderful a framework this WordPress is.  I was amazed just using the site to get a taste of it, but now that I am hosting my own website, I use the WordPress framework to run it.  And it is SOOOO configurable with all the plug-ins available. […]

geek stuff just a post

The Spring Los Angeles/Las Vegas 2010 Tour (MM)

Cheers to the breaking news of my May return to Los Angeles and Las Vegas!  Larry & I are headed back to go visit a little then celebrate Harv’s birthday up in Vegas with him.  Sweet.  I’m guessing it’s gonna be hot as all hell if it’s already this hot now.  I exaggerate of course, […]

geek stuff on life pop culture

The Snowpocalypse May Finally Be Hitting NYC

I’m baaacck!  Let’s catch you up on some stuff: I’m taking guitar lessons from the NYC Guitar School.  My first lesson was last Thursday night and it was really cool.  As of now, I only know the D and the G chords.  I even can somewhat transition between the two without taking a minute to […]

geek stuff just a post pictures

Transition Trouble (MM)

So my website has been having transition issues.  I finally broke away from and now my site is hosted by Apple/MobileMe.  But there’s a lot of work to make all the magic happen.  I had to transfer the whole ‘’ idea from one overlord to another, and they take their sweet-ass time releasing it […]

geek stuff pop culture

En Vogue 20 Year Anniversary?!?

Now this is some damn cool news.  The ORIGINAL En Vogue are all back together and touring again.  If you grew up in the 1990s or at the very least turned on a pop radio station, you no doubt heard these songs throughout the times, such as “My Lovin’ (You’re Never Gonna Get It)”, “Free […]