pop culture

Big Brother 15: The Mom Crew?

Episode 6 – July 10, 2013

It’s tough to have only one day to write a post about this AND work at your job AND host your own houseguest so this may be unfortunately truly a brief post.

The MVP Strikes Again

The MVP again…
..and her target

America surprisingly voted for Elissa to get MVP again – Rachel must have rallied her troops. I voted for Amanda personally.  I was happy that she went with Candice’s “girlpower” plan and nominated one of the guys.  Especially this douchenozzle.  I especially loved that Jeremy decided he had to go into “Beast Mode.”  Ugh.

The Veto Fun

Yeah…I don’t know

So yeah, this was kind of an idiotic challenge. I am typically a fan of the challenges the producers come up with, but this was especially meh.  Larry’s mom was watching this with us and it kind of defies explanation.   Her questions (“what the hell is this?” “who is that guy with the tattoos?” “why do they have to live with each other?”) really didn’t have any answers that didn’t sound CRAZY when you say them out loud.

Jeremy, the Power of Veto winner

As we ended up seeing, absolutely no one had a clue how to properly balance all the teddy bears on the mobile except for, you guessed it, Jeremy.  He won the Power of Veto and clearly was going to take himself off the chopping block.  Because of this we got to witness an interesting rule update, in that the HoH did not get to name the replacement nominee since it wasn’t one of the HoH’s nominees.  Instead, the MVP got to pick a new secret nomination.

At this point, everyone knew or assumed it was Elissa that was MVP, and accordingly went to work.  Candice was pressing hard for there to be a full-court press against the guys as she is certain there’s a guys’ alliance.  She’s of course correct.  Elissa had made a silly deal with Nick to make sure he would throw the Veto competition or else she’d nominate him.  Nick wisely  noted that that arrangement kept him in the clear either way.  But when Elissa decided to check in with Nick on what his plans were when it came time to vote, he was noncommittal.  HELLO?  You lie lie LIE if you have to and say whatever it is they want to hear.  Nick, I am shocked you felt compelled that you couldn’t say anything to Elissa as I guess it would have been a binding pact?   Whatevs, Elissa got concerned and realized that Nick was full of shit.  Kaitlin was also afraid that with Jeremy off the block, Elissa could target her as the other half of that duo – ugh, again.

bb15_nickReplacement Nominee

In the end though, Elissa secretly nominated Nick as a replacement, which frankly seems to be the right move to make at this point.  At least I think so.  I can’t stand most of the Moving Company and it would be nice to take them down a peg or two.  Yet I’m not sure there are enough votes to really make this happen.   I’m pretty sure Helen won’t get any votes as everyone is pretty focused on Elissa.  With that in mind, there seems to be the RacismNow! Clique which slightly overlaps with the Moving Company, giving what seems like a pretty fair majority of votes towards Elissa.  Andy, Amanda, Candice…..and….?  yeah, not sure who else is there to vote out Nick (Judd? he seems to never be in the show and certainly doesn’t seem to be in any alliances yet).  I don’t think RacismNow!s members, like Aaryn or GinaMarie (esp her, right?  Get a clue, girl…Nick’s not interested in you either), are about to target Nick over Elissa.

Nominee #1: Elissa
Nominee #2: Helen
Nominee #3: Nick

So I guess we’ll see what happens tonight – most likely, Elissa is gone.  Even though Elissa and Helen (the titular Mom Crew – I can’t remember the exact term actually) claim to be fired up, I just don’t think they have the ability to round up the votes they need to outlast the Moving Company.  Will also be interesting to see who gets HoH next.

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