
Muster, Moonbeam, M’boyfriend and Me

Hey there, Hi there, Ho there!

Alright, it’s been a bit of time since I told you I was Xanadu-bound! It has been an odd week – at work, I was really only there for 3 days, so everything was a bit rushed and I definitely didn’t get as much done as I’d like to have. But in OTHER things, well, it’s been going great.

First – Xanadu was great. I met up with Larry outside the Helen Hayes Theater on 44th Street just west of Times Square. This is a VERY packed-with-Broadway theater road, as also right there within the same block of street are the theaters for Phantom of the Opera, Gypsy, and another plus Xanadu. Our show was great – like I’d said before, I’ve never seen the movie but Larry had and basically the plot of the show sorta borrows from the movie but other than that, it’s a lot different. The main character (the Olivia Newton-John one) was awesome – she is a muse who when on Earth has to affect an Australian accent, which is hilarious. “They call me Keeeeeerraaaaa” It was a quick show but very entertaining and highly recommended for anyone looking for a great Broadway show. It led Larry and I to talk about other great shows and I had to remember how awesome Avenue Q is. Seriously, I could see that one over and over, as those songs are so memorable and the show is just ridiculously funny.

After the show, Larry and I went to dinner – and to make a long story short, I asked him to be mah Boyfriend. I’ve got a boyfriend for the first time….ever. And it’s incredible. I won’t go too much into it because frankly, I’m afraid of jinxing it. What a great feeling though.

Then on Friday, I had to wake up at the oh-so-military time of 5:30 in order to get up in time to get ready and leave by 6:30 to drive the two hours it takes to get to Delaware from NYC. I knew I was going opposite of traffic, so that wasn’t a concern; my main concern was the night before when I realized I’d probably need my insurance paperwork and when I realized that I hadn’t updated my insurance with my new license plate and driver’s license, I started panicking. Especially when Geico was only letting me print insurance cards for Colorado. So there I am the night before trying to get that straightened out before I drive all the way to the base. It did get resolved by that morning, fortunately, but it turned out not totally necessary for getting in to the Air National Guard base at New Castle, Delaware. And you know what organization is at that base? The Delaware Air National Guard, of course. And you know what that acronym is? DANG, of course. How freakin’ awesome is that? they have that acronym EVERYWHERE around that building we mustered in too. It was hilarious.

So what did I get to do for a muster? I got to remember why the AF is a happy memory of the PAST. Death by Powerpoint and briefings that I already had at TAP. Seriously, I drove all the way down to Delaware in order to fill out some forms and be reminded about benefits I have no interest in and the fact that I COULD be recalled if all hell breaks loose. Fantastic.

The redeeming part of that day: Getting to meet up with Moonbeam/Mickity for lunch afterwards. I love reading her blog (you should too) as she’s so damn funny and cranky. ๐Ÿ™‚ It was fun to just catch up and realize she’s another of those friends who I can quite easily pick up right where we left off. After that, it was time to head back and that was an exhausting drive, let me tell you. It was hot, the traffic was a lot worse, and I wanted a nap in the worst way. I got home safely and promptly took that nap (for two.five hours) because I was headed out that night to…..

..Splash! Splash is one of the big NYC gay dance clubs, and I was heading there with Shelly in order to meet up with Larry and introduce them as well as check off another gay club that I’ve been to. It was a pretty fantastic club – on Friday nights, all the bartenders wear next to nothing and these guys have every damn right to wear nearly nothing. Damn. Definitely would love to get my body to some of the levels I saw there, but I’m sure they live at the gym and don’t eat. Eff that. But I’m slowly getting there, to some degree. And Larry’s not complaining…. ๐Ÿ™‚ Larry had been nervous about heading there (he told me later) but he ended up having a blast, just like I did. Shelly stuck around for a little bit but she’s made some friends that she’s hanging out with a lot now, so it was good to at least have them meet. And since it’s a gay club, besides ogling the hotness around her for no real gain, I don’t blame her for heading out to more hetero-based venues! Larry and I had a blast the rest of the night though, and it was a good club as there was a great variety of people there. Funnily enough, I picked up the Zagat’s Nightlife guide today and was reading about all the clubs I’ve been to so far. About Splash, one of the comments was that it’s the place where ‘Bridge & Tunnel’ boys head to for their ‘gay fix’. I didn’t know this when I moved here at first, but B&T (or Bridge & Tunnel) is a sort of slam against us Jersey folks who come in and dirty up the Island, since we either take a bridge or a tunnel to get into the city. Uppity assholes giving us a label! Whatev. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The next day, Larry and I headed out eventually and got some great grub at some cool restaurant on 2nd Ave up in the Upper East Side (UES), where all sorts of cool places to eat are. We then went and caught ‘Get Smart’ at the movies. It was an okay movie, but seriously, I would probably recommend it is a rental. We saw it a interestingly styled theater with lots of cool metal architecture and primary colors around the walls, but the theaters were the old-school sticky floor and non-Stadium seating type. ugh. Some things ‘Retro’ are not all that fun to revisit. We then got a couple glasses of wine one the way back and halfway through us hanging out at the outside bar area, this older (40s/50s-ish) couple came and sat by us. I had Heard them before they even sat down with us because she was busy yelling at him like he was a retard. Then they sat next to us. Joy. Just listening to her was giving me a headache (it didn’t help I was pretty dehydrated and I was drinking more – duh). But amazingly, my iPhone helped bridge the gap as the guy asked about it and then it was like we were all best friends. They turned out to be fun to talk to, but still, the woman was so controlling of him. Yowza.

And now it’s now. I came home today and I’m still recovering from my headache. Ugh. But it was an awesome Friday and Saturday with Larry.

And here’s a link to my picture with Michancy from Friday in Delaware:

One reply on “Muster, Moonbeam, M’boyfriend and Me”

That f-ing picture makes me look like I need another margarita….or maybe one less margarita. Whatever! I’m getting my hair chopped….it got to go. BTW – it was wundaful to see you ๐Ÿ™‚

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