on life

Losing Steam

It was a very chill weekend.  We hung out at home and tried to keep everything good and relaxing for Larry.  The swelling in his abdomen and feet is seriously reduced, but he’s also just very skinny now.   I am not happy to think about what that means.  Tonight (Sunday) as we were getting ready for bed he was mentioning that there was blood in his stool which isn’t unusual but I just don’t think it’s okay and that it’s probably indicating other issues.  It isn’t continuing though so maybe it is just a fissure.  At this point though, I don’t have a lot of hope.  Despite it all though, this weekend he was eating fairly well.   Not too much in the way of inability to eat, even if his appetite isn’t always there.  But yeah, basically looking for a miracle.

Today we watched The Irishman on Netflix – it’s the latest Scorsese movie and it’s pretty damn fantastic.  Lots of great actors and a very compelling 3.5 hour plot.  Go figure.  On Saturday I put in my standing desk contraption and I am very excited about using it.  Anyway, my life is ending as we speak and I am just unable to really focus.  My mom needs my help and I can’t find the energy to do it.  Have to get gears moving tomorrow though, one way or the other.  also my car may have a leak so I’m taking that in tomorrow in advance of what may be a crazy week.  Help.

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