
A Much-Needed Big Bear Break

After the past week, this little excursion was almost too-perfectly timed.  Maj had proposed this trip about a month or two ago and when this was the only date available, both Nicki and I knew that was following directly after what was going to be the end of our NBCU time.  So this vacation would […]

on life

Another T – 1

The end of another chapter in my life is upon me. I had a truly wonderful team I worked with, and they gave me this frame as a going away. Amazing.


Pics from the Holidays, Thus Far

I’ve got pics from this past weekend, as it was non-stop full of activity! First up are some photos from Friday night, when we went over to Paras & Carey’s apartment in Hollywood.  It was a lot of fun but one thing we did that I had never done or even thought of was lighting […]

pictures pop culture

We Saw Broad City Live

And it was great!  After having been bowled over by the first season of Broad City, a lot of that due to Nicki encouraging Larry & I to watch it, Nicki set up an outing to go see the Broad City Live show.  Hilariously, we ended up getting these tickets back in March or something […]

pictures pop culture

Thanksgiving + Michancy

It’s been a good few days thus far, although I think perhaps we are drinking a tad too much to celebrate the times?  Ah, maybe not.  It’s all in service of having a great time, and that is something we are definitely still having. So Michancy came out for the holiday, arriving on Tuesday.  We […]