just a post pictures

As April Chugs Along

I’ve not had much to write about it seems – the weekends are getting a bit better in that we’re not having to spend all day both days doing stuff around the house.  This last weekend was actually very nice in that regard – it was the mounting of the TV and not much else. […]

just a post pictures pop culture

Who Me, Stressed?

This week was my first one in which I’d spend the entire week at work without any bit of training, even a 1-day jaunt to Atlanta! So the beginning of the week was me first having a bit of a stress-out realizing that I have to start making things happen!  Guess what?  Things started happening […]

just a post

Crossing the Bridge

Ah, the beautiful Northbound 110 as I hike back to my car for the drive home!

just a post pictures

Brunch & Views Amidst Dahlinks

Today was a fun day.  Larry & I had an oft-delayed brunch finally with my two fave dahlinks, Mila & Sveta, at Edendale.  The food was of course good and the companionship was quite amazing, as they really are the best people to do anything with.   I may be biased.  I then got them […]


Bar-Crawling Through Space and Los Angeles

Larry & I got out of the house yesterday and I had big plans for us.  We were going to go see the Endeavour in the early afternoon, then swing by either Cole’s or Philippe’s for a French Dip, then take the Gold Line into Pasadena and go visit the Norton Simon museum.  Yeah…that’s a […]