Survivor: Palau

Hobie's Take on Season 10 of this amazing series!

Ep7: The trainwreck that gives and gives

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Bobby Jon







Down to 2

What else is there to say? Ulong loses again. BIG SHOCKER! From here on out, Ulong will be a verb used when a team starts having a losing streak, much like Pagong-ing is a verb when a team picks off another team after the merge. Although I never expect another team to evermatch the absolute dismalness of Ulong. I mean, I think it's near impossible to do this again.

So what the hell happened? Why did they choose Bobby Jon to guide them in the puzzle challenge? This was a major head scratcher. It seemed fairly obvious Stephenie was the 'brains' on the team. Maybe it was a swimming thing. Who knows? All I do know is that it was just sad to see that team go from bad to worse.

Now, do I think Ibrehem should have been voted off? Yes. Although it's really only because I don't want Stephenie to go either. And I'm proud of her for doing exactly what she should have done when it appeared that Bobby Jon wasn't sure of his decision for who to vote off. She went straight to Ibrehem and said, let's vote out, I mean Bobby Jon. Take out the randomness and remove the power from one person's hand, and Remove That Person. It ended up working in Stephenie's favor anyways though, as Bobby Jon ended up voting Ib out. Why, that remains to be seen. I'm just glad he did.

I wonder which one will be voted out after the merge? I think they'll take out Stephenie first. But they may use those two first to cripple the Koror majority, THEN take out the Ulongs. Who knows at this point? It's entirely possible that a Ulong member rides to the end. Plausible? not really. But entirely possible.

Final Thoughts

Don't really care about how Koror is doing. They caught a shark. Woo hoo. They're recognizing that Gregg and Jenn are a couple, and possibly a power couple. Surprise. Caryn is freaky looking. Again, not a shocker. And next episode...? Well, the previews didn't exactly reveal much, but I'm banking on a merge. I really hope that helps make the game more interesting, but who knows.

Other's Thoughts:

C-Money speaks - It's Thursday!:

I'm sorry, I don't agree with the Ulong "tribe". I really don't think any of those three are going anywhere but home. I cannot fathom them winning anything and if they did they would still be voted out one-by-one if there is a merge.

Holy shit! Did you see the clam?? That was the biggest effin clam I have ever seen! Did anyone else smell the testosterone like I do??? The huge clam and then a shark (which Tom gets with his bare hands!!!) Too much maleness around me. And then there is Cody. I think he was a little upset because he doesn't have any in him... flamer.

Now, tell me this... how is burning your shelter a good thing???? Ulong, you are scaring the bee-gees out of me. And to watch Tom be all fidgety is fun. Koror has no fire, but it was more visible than Ulong. I'm beginning to think, nah, forget it. If I say it, I'll get reamed for it. But I will say this, this Survivor is the CRUELEST one I have seen. I'm hooked enough to watch it, but disgusted in it enough to not want to watch it anymore.

I do NOT care about this "Romber" take two. Gregg and Jenn need to knock off this crap and play the freaking game. To the rest of the tribe, who cares? You are all a bunch of ooglers. You're always watching them and not saying anything. Maybe someone should... Huh? Ulong has a small fish and an average size clam and "yes! We are gonna win! We have protein and carbs! Yes!" But, they don't know that Koror had a shark, clamthra and God knows what else. Ah, I spoke too soon. There goes Jeff... Now they know. Cruel, cruel, cruel. This man is NOT gaining any new watchers that is for sure...

Use the gay guy to get things looking the way they are supposed to. He has that "eye" for things, huh? Looks like Ulong chose the wrong person to be the caller, good choice to switch out for Stephanie, but WAY too late. Why do I torture myself with this? I could be playing a game on PS2 or reading a good book instead of this crap! It's so one-sided. There, I said it. Sue me!! Koror, wins immunity AGAIN. This is like watching a football game with a score of 55 to nothing at half-time. Just not worth it, but I cannot turn it off. I'm sick...

This council is the first one that I didn't even watch. I saw the outcome. I'm glad Steph stays. She deserves it out of all of them. So what's in store for next week? Will there be a merger or will they just let Steph and Bobby John draw straws? I doesn't really matter anyway, either way, they are gone the next 2 shows.

Until the S&M of next week... C-Money's out.

Squirrel's Comments - Ep 7:



Counterpoint -> Linus:



CBS Official Site: Ep7 - Still have to say that CBS is providing some amazing supplemental stuff to watch online, if you have a broadband connection that is. Visit and enjoy!

Ep7: Big Fish/Little Fish (RNO) - Episode Recap









