Survivor: Palau

Hobie's Take on Season 10 of this amazing series!

Ep6: The Ulong 3? Wouldn't it be funny?

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Bobby Jon







The Mysterious Ways of Stephenie

I foolishly held out hope that, in the means to keep things exciting, Ulong might win immunity this episode. They managed to win something again, finally, which was a welcome change. Yet once again, they were outplayed. It seems logical that if you have a sheer massive number of knots to untie, that will be more effective to slow the other team down, as opposed to one big tough knot. And why didn't James make shorts as opposed to a skirt? Anyways, it is the past now. Ulong's performance was subpar, and they were sent to Tribal Council for the SIXTH straight time. So my question is, what was Stephenie's strategy in her vote? Was there any strategy? Because I could see if she pulled that kind of nonsense in the jury phase, where she throws a sympathy vote to make it look like one thing, but knowing full well the outcome ahead of time. This would be like Clay's vote in Thailand, which actually helped him in the jury vote as he got Penny's vote in the Final 2. Anyways, if that was her play, it was wasted, as James is not in a jury and it doesn't matter. It did make him pissed though, so good job. So why didn't she just vote for him in the first place and spare the drama? Now Bobby Jon may have reservations about trusting her.... but if it was some planned out drama, I just don't see the reason why.

Ulong's temporary comeback

I was surprised at the actual reward - not the Pringles and Mai Tais, but the swimming with the jellyfish. I started chuckling when they first talked about the jellyfish, and I was thinking to myself: "Then you will jump in the water with the billions of jellyfish - whoever lives the longest gets immunity!" Who knew that a jellyfish's stinger could eventually become non-painful? I still wouldn't want to swim in there though - it would be a tad spooky and freaky feeling, with all those jellyfish bouncing off you.

Janu's Collapse?

Poor Janu....NOT. I honestly think CBS was just showing a very very bad day for Janu, one that we all have. Janu is going to be here for awhile, they just had to show some drama on Koror to fill out an hour.

Final Thoughts

Back to Thursday night next week! Well, Bobby Jon gets a fishy, and Tom gets a shark. No real hint as to what will happen in terms of immunity, but it definitely doesn't look like a merge is occurring yet. Who knows, if Ulong can keep it together and not lose anymore folks, they just might be able to enter the merge and play a risky game of Koror-breaking. If they offer their combined votes to each majority in Koror, they may be able to whittle Koror down. Obviously if Koror can resist that opportunity and vote out Ulong, none of this matters - but the Koror minority has to realize that they will need some more votes in order to stick around. Guess we'll see!

Other's Thoughts:

C-Money speaks - It's On....:

I'm glad that James called out Ibrahem. Someone had to. Maybe now he'll contribute to the game. Koror is just having a blast, sitting high and mighty. Although they have earned it.

I certainly hope that Ulong gets this challenge, they really need SOMETHING to bring them back up. Again, Stephanie gets ALL her shots. AGAIN, proving she's the best at this whole Survivor game. I'm sure Angie would have done just as good, too. And they get the eat pringles with all the questions from previous Survivors. Cool. How pretty!! Look at all those JELLY fish. (remember Jelly, Hobie???)

Does anyone know how much I dislike Ian? I really think he needs to be knocked down a peg. Nice hair, too... Janau just needs a hug. Someone hug her for God's sake!

Ulong trusts James to be the best knot guy in the world. And he was in the Navy... hmmm, I don't know it I would do that, but we will see how this goes. Me thinks that Ulong might have a chance with this one by using more rope than Koror. Curious, very curious... Let's hope they can untie as good as they tie. Obviously, they cannot. I have no idea who will go this time, but at this point I don't really care. This game is WAY too one sided. I know for a fact I don't like Ian and want to see him gone. Cody should go too, just because he's too emotional. (this is a flash-forward BTW).

Look at who is LYING straight up to Bobby Jon?!?!? My thing is in all this is, do you, Steph, and Bobby Jon actually think you will go anywhere in this game? If you don't win an immunity, one of you will have to vote for the other. Well, with how tribal council went, it looks like Stephanie may be on the chopping block next time. All that talk with Bobby Jon and you still went with voting out James, BUT you tipped you hat by voting for Ibrahem first. I'd like to be a bug on a tree branch after they get back to camp. Curious, very curious...

Well, Happy birthday to me, I expect to be really drunk for the duration of the weekend. Good thing I'm on leave all next week too to recover from it! :-)

Until next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel.

Squirrel's Comments - Ep 5:

I've given it some thought. Here's my comments on Ep 6 of Survivor.


I could care less about you idiots!

Redneck James was an idiot and he never seemed to get it together for the challenges but at least he tried. Ibrehem is a slug and needs to go. However, I can't help but think along racial lines. Ibrehem is, yet again, the token black man. It is my belief there is something bizarre in the casting selection of these folks and when the show's "writers" realized he might get the boot, they added a rule to ensure he wouldn't. To counter Linus for a moment, the reason I personally felt such anger is that Angie didn't get outplayed, the game was set up in such a way that it would "screw" someone from Ulong. That wasn't strategy, that was pure bad luck. It would be the same as if I simply walked up to a random Ulong member and shot them in the head. Just like that. That's not the kind of show I want to watch.

So back to this episode. I personally don't give a s**t about anyone on Koror. I do want to see Ian get bitch slapped by Coby or Katie get her ass kicked by Caryn. Other than that, could care less. Ulong is just so sad I don't even want to watch. Steph is reacting to Bobby Jon when she could control/guide him instead. She should have voted for James right off and not dink around about it. That was kinda stupid. Now she seems wishy washy and Bobby Jon now has all the remaining power in that sad little tribe. I'm wondering when, or even if, there will be a merge. I also can't help but wonder what kind of bizarre, make no f****ing sense rule the "writers" will come up with next.


Residual anger/annoyance in how things unfolded in Ep 5, along with a lack of caring about anyone in Ep 6 makes me wonder if I should waste time with this show. I dumped it last season midway and I'm thinking it might be time to do that again. However, I'll give it just another week. Maybe they will actually shoot someone this episode. That would at least make more sense.


Counterpoint -> Linus:



CBS Official Site: Ep6 - Still have to say that CBS is providing some amazing supplemental stuff to watch online, if you have a broadband connection that is. Visit and enjoy!

Ep6: To Be or Knot to Be (RNO) - Episode Recap

Strategic Overview of Survivor: Not Ulong for the World (RNO) - He sees the potential power the remaining Ulongs could hold in a merge situation. Who knows...?









