photos - LV, March 2004
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The Beer-drinking Month of March

Las Vegas, March 2004

When you live in Vegas, you will always get visitors. This month was no different. First up was Jason & Wendy, just to come and cheer me up. Or so I tell myself. They came up late on a Friday night, we stayed up even later drinking and goofing around, and then the next day, Jason & I did some guy stuff (we went shopping) while Wendy went to the gym, and then that night we went to the Hofbrauhaus with Jason's cousin Frank. Afterwards we went to the Stardust for some gambling fun. Then on Sunday we just vegged at my place.

After Jason & Wendy left, Ryan arrived into town. He was here for a week to help out with some AF documentation, and I was able to see him sporadically for lunch and dinner that first week. During the weekend, his family came out, including his wife Jennifer, who I met for the first time. I went out to dinner with them on Saturday night to Friday's, and then on Sunday afternoon, Harv was up, so we all went to the Hofbrauhaus (becoming quickly my favorite place in Vegas).

Wendy & Jason's Visit # 1 | Ryan's Visit |

Wendy & Jason's visit

Jason the Mind Reader

Deep in thought still


Double duh

The first night's menu - yum, cheese

Eyeing my beer

Eyeing the Ritz

Me at the Venetian

Jason at the Venetian

Jason's about to make out with Whoopi Goldberg!

Jason at the Plaza overlook

Me in the Grand Canal Shoppes

With the fake Tower

The Mirage

The Mirage again

The Venetian sign

The Venetian Tower

Treasure Island


Ryan's visit

Jennifer Ryan & Me at Friday's


Me & Harv with my DD (or baby) beer

Jennifer & Ryan

Ryan with all 3 beers

Guess who got the big beer?






Shoot me an email if you have any comments!