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Jason & Wendy's wedding shower + more

August 9 & 10, 2003 @ Cypress, CA

I drove on down to the LA area to go to this thing called a wedding shower (I'd never really heard of it, but why not - it's a party!) for my best buds Jason & Wendy. They're getting married in October but schedules pretty much only permitted festivities during August - the bachelor/bachelorette parties are this week too! Anyways, it was a lot of fun, and I got to meet a lot of their families and cousins (so many cousins) and friends. It was a good idea, as now I know people and can expect to have a better time at the actual wedding. The party went on for a while, what with all these little games we had to play (dating game thing, scavenger hunt thing, who knows J&W better, blah blah blah) and then way later we played Pasoy (sp?), a card game much like Pai Gow but with 5 more cards per person and about 16 people playing. Ended staying up pretty late, and then the next day I bid adieu to Jason & Wendy & company and traveled to the Melrose area to go see Lia (fka Bertha). It was so awesome to see her again, and the one picture we took is at the very bottom.

The Party

There was a HUGE pig for eating - I didn't

The photo cake - awwwww

And they're just like the cake - awwww again

Cutting the cake - okay, this is getting sickening

Wendy's family, the couple, and Jason's family

The Maid of Honor and the Best Man, Clarissa & Paul

Sharing a cooler

Gendy, Wendy, me, Jenny, & Jason


Me with the happy couple

Jenny, Gendy, Wendy

Me & Jason


Clarissa, Jane, Anne & Wendy

Oh so sexy


Oh so happy

Paul as emcee

Jason loving the pig

Me & Lia!

Clarissa, Jane, me & Wendy - the big craps winners!

Me with my $350 profit!


Shoot me an email if you have any comments!