photos - Angel's Peak
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High up overlooking the Vegas Valley

January 16, 2004 - Northwest of Las Vegas, NV

Well, the Comm guys at the Det had to go up here to check on some stuff, so I brought my camera, knowing that the view from up here was outstanding. Also, there's some snow leftover from when it was really really really really really cold here. Here are the pictures below.

Looking north from Angel's Peak

And just to the right

There's me!

Another, less bluey

There's Linus and Jenn

Somehow, this just seems punishable

Unless I was really falling

Getting rid of the SSgt too

Hey, I'm back

I'm flying!

Your tour guide on the mountain

SSgt Jenny at attention

Parade Rest?

Throwing a rock towards Vegas

There's Linus Showfield

Vegas is way in the distance there

Mummy Mountain (the flat snowy part of the mountain is said to resemble a sarcophagus)

Linus and Vegas




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