just a post pop culture

No Burning Pizza

Nope – today was a no-burning pizza day, and it was wonderful.  In fact, today was a Spaghetti Carbonara day, another of Larry’s specialties.  It’s ridiculously good.  Makes me think of Rome every time. Tangent Time! At lunch today, a group of us were eating at the Dino Cafe area that straddles the backlot and […]

pop culture

RIP Community

So bummed – it was the little show that could, but it finally couldn’t escape its ultimate fate of cancellation, 5 seasons in. In addition to my beloved Community, another of my favorite shows this year was given the definite axe after having been put on hiatus, Enlisted. Boo!!!! Perhaps there’s a chance of survival on another […]

pop culture

Enlisted: A Love Letter

There’s a new show on Friday nights this season on FOX called Enlisted.  It is by far one of the funniest new shows I’ve seen but most importantly, it is by FAR the show with the hottest guys on it.  I’d even go so far as to say it is the most gay-baiting show I’ve […]