just a post

Apparently I’m still sick

Felt better this morning and drove Larry to his 5k (I was supposed to do it too but still was congested) early this morning. Then was congested but no fever so we went to the movies. Maybe a mistake? Got back and took a nap, then went upstairs and suddenly the fever is back. Yay.

just a post


Woke up this morning being full-fledged feverish and congested, so today was a sick day at home. Being sick sucks. Feeling better though! That is you weekly report of my inane life.

pop culture

Seeing Interstellar Tonight

Even though the reviews are fairly mixed, I’m excited to see Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar tonight in glorious 70mm IMAX. Giant movies are awesome.

just a post


This week has been good in some respects and stressful and exhausting in other ways. I’m sleepy! And American Horror Story isn’t on for another hour and will probably go on for like 3 hours.

just a post

Thirty Eight

I’m turning 38 tomorrow.  Holy crap.