just a post on life

Merry Christmas (T-249)

Another one done.

When you’re alone for the holidays, they pretty much suck. Didn’t go home for the holidays, and all my friends here went away. So today was sort of anticlimactic, like last year. Oh well, another thing to add to the list of things wonderful about being a flight commander and being in the military. Have I said lately that I can’t wait to get the FUCK OUT of the military?

So I have been reading Lisey’s Story (Stephen King’s latest book) – which I didn’t finish yet by the way – and there was something written that made me crack up. Basically the main character has her inner monologue and she references this: Things About Life Lisey Was Wrong About. All capitalized just like I put it there. It was hilarious, because she said that that list is quite long (maybe you have to have been there, but in the context of the story, it WAS funny!). I must say that the Things About Life Hobie Was Wrong About list is probably as long as I expect hers to have been.

I think I’ll have to make a section on the site devoted to TALHWWA (pronounced tal-whaaaa). Could be amusing to compile.

I didn’t make it to Breckenridge today. I had high hopes, but didn’t get to bed as early as I should have yesterday, and there was no way I was going to be awake enough to drive 2.5 hours out there, ski a day, then 2.5 hours back with only 3-4 hours of sleep. So I stayed home, slept in, read my book, watched Little Miss Sunshine (funny, yet sad movie), played some Final Fantasy XII, and am now here typing away, waiting for the holidays to be fucking over.

I’m trying to remember the last time I really enjoyed the Christmas time of year. It’s been a while.

Anyways, enough of my pathetic diatribe. Hope you all had a great holidays and here’s to a 2007 like no other. I plan to make it a year to remember. I think you all will too. The theme for my New Year’s Resolution has already been decided: No Regrets, No Fear. And dammit, I will embrace that mantra for better or for worse. Like I said, 2007 will be quite a ride.

Late Update: I got out my Photoshop Books and put some of the fun tricks contained within to use tonight. I have made a new page (click here) ‘showcasing’ my modifications to pictures I’ve taken. I must toot my own horn here – I like what a bit of digital manipulation can do.

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