
Kung Fu Creator of the Internet

So a few things that are bouncing around in my mind and they HAD to be put in the LiveJournal….

First, I saw Kung Fu Panda last night with Larry – that movie is freakin’ AWESOME. It is soooooo sooooooo funny and amazingly animated. I saw it at the AMC megamovieplex in Times Square, and the screen was huge, so you could really appreciate the animation. I highly recommend you all go see this and laugh your self silly. It also helped I got to go see it with a great guy. A fantastic guy, actually…but that’s enough talk of that. Just go see the damn movie.

Second, that damn Creator of the Internet won’t leave me alone. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please go visit this post in my site and scroll down to November 19th. Yeah, I guess I ended up meeting one of the Inventors/Creators of the Internet, Lawrence Roberts, at an earlier meeting I was part of at NBC. Back then, I was skeptical. Then I was proven wrong, but it made for a good story. But now, and especially lately, I can’t stop seeing this guy’s name all over sites and magazines that I read. First, on, there was an article about Larry Roberts’ assertion that internet traffic should (and can) be metered by user statistics rather than type of traffic statistics. That type of bandwidth management would make it more fair for everyone who has to share bandwidth. Then I am reading my Vanity Fair with Angelina Jolie on the cover (I’m now a proud subscriber) and lo and behold, there’s Larry Roberts and his fellow ‘Internet Creators’ in an article with his picture right there. Okay, Larry, I get it, you’re the Creator of the Internet and I should have recognized your greatness upon first meeting you…..and apparently I slept through Internet History 101…..stop making me pay for it, dammit!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!

Okay, that’s all. Just wanted to say that Kung Fu Panda is awesome and Larry Roberts needs to leave me alone. Good night, and good luck.

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