just a post

Reflections…? Nah, Not Yet. (MM)

So there’s a part of me that has all these ideas of end-of-the-decade Hobie favorites.  Favorite songs, favorite movies, favorite TV shows….and of course, maybe a favorite or memorable cast of characters and memories from this crazy-ass decade.  And I realize, that’ll take a long time and lots of pictures.  I’ve got all of these of course, and I will properly do that.  In the meantime though, just wanted to check in and say Hola.

The past few weeks have been wonderful as the weather has been finally getting cool and actually got cold a week or so ago.  As you may or may not know, I am a Jacket Whore.  I have no shame in that I will add another jacket to the collection even if I have a perfectly adequate collection already.  I’m like a girl and her shoes – I’m a gay man who needs his jackets.  So don’t get in my fucking way if Banana Republic is having a bitchin’ sale on jackets.  And boy howdy, did they! A few weeks back, they were having a sale on all outerwear – so of course Larry & I went, and I combined that offer with also applying for a BR store card.  Then I bought another jacket the next week on their 40% off Tuesday sale.  It is like crack.  Love it.

Anyway, work is work still.  I am making do, but there are things that I am doing in the meantime to prepare myself.  If you have heard the latest business news, you may have heard that NBC Universal is soon to become the property of Comcast.  Who knows what that means for now?  Not really anyone, at least anyone who is talking to us commoners.  But I know that I’m keeping my eyes open.  Just sayin’.

In media/entertainment matters, I’ve been addicted to rewatching LOST Season 5 in preparation for its last season!  Also, the game Assassin’s Creed 2 is still like the best fun ever on the PS3.  New Super Mario Bros Wii is kicking my ass.  I also finished Stephen King’s Under the Dome – man, that is a story.  And to hear they’re filming it for a mini-series?  Stay tuned for the epic finale.  Yowza.  I also saw the movie Precious this weekend.  Brutal, but still a good movie.

Okay, enough for now.  I’ve gotta start getting charged up for an end-of-decade extravaganza!  I think I’m also going to throw an actual New Year’s Eve party at my place.  Hurray!

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