just a post

Raining Like a Mofo

It’s been raining a LOT here in Los Angeles the past few weeks – much much much more so than it did during last year’s promising-but-ultimately-disappointing El Nino that didn’t provide us in SoCal any of the promised precipitation.  But this winter, the rain has been coming steadily and it’s kind of awesome.  We need […]

just a post on life pictures

Last Weekend in my Thirties

This year, 2016, has just been a shitshow.  Giant Asterisk, of course:  Getting married and going on our honeymoon in September was pretty sweet.  But other than that, it’s hard to look fondly at 2016.  And here I am having the last weekend of my thirties and while I’m not considering jumping out of a […]



Woke up this morning and while lying in bed, I could hear some strange noise against the bedroom window.  I mentioned that to Larry and he got up and went into the kitchen to look out the window there (far easier to do that than for us to open our bedroom blinds!):  sure enough, it […]

just a post


It’s been since February of this year since Los Angeles has had a good rain storm, and today and yesterday were fantastic rain days for us.  Here’s some shots from Curbed LA showing some of the impact….yay for rain!

geek stuff just a post pop culture

Rain & Legos & The Theory of Everything

Well go figure – it’s raining in Los Angeles.  Not only today, surprisingly, but also it’s going to rain this week and apparently quite a lot.  I love that we’ll get the rain but I dread the traffic that’ll arise from it.  UGH.  I took some pics today of the rain because it’s always an […]