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6 Miles = A LONG Walk

I really thought that 6 Miles would be not all that long of a walk. I was ridiculously wrong. It’s actually quite a long way. And I am now exhausted and my feet hurt and oy! This morning I woke up bright and early in order to catch the Light Rail down to Hoboken. There […]

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Brenda Dickson – A Parody

So Steve sent me a collection of YouTube links that are effing hysterical. I’ll just let his email speak for the funny: When you have a good 30 minutes to sit and enjoy hilariousness and fowl mouth tomfoolery, you must get caught up with Brenda Dickson. Brenda played Jill on Young and the Restless in […]

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Ah, the Azores

My laptop’s Internet Explorer homepage is set to go to the AOL site for some reason, and I’ve never changed it – laziness, I guess. But I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the pic of Faial and realized the Azores were a travel ‘spotlight’ on the site! And for old […]

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C U Next Tuesday

Nah, I’ll probably see you sooner, at least virtually. But I had never heard this particular way to swear before. Love it. So like I said, I was only going to have Steve’s pic on the front for one day. This website is all about me and it’s not really fair or all that cool […]

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So there’s Steve – the guy I’m currently dating the heck out of. He rocks. I know that last I filled you in on the happenings of my life, I felt all kinds of stupid about all sorts of things. Well, I’m happy to report that so far, Steve has remained. And it’s incredible to have a […]