just a post

Might be a snow day today…(T-140)

I’m totally gambling on that possibility too, as I am WAY up past my bedtime.

When I got home today, I took a nap. I haven’t done that in forever. But doing absolutely nothing at work is actually exhausting. I kid you not. And since we all left a little early today as it was freakin’ SNOWING in the middle of April, I was like, it’s early and I won’t take too long of a nap. Now you’d probably think that I ended up taking a 4-hour nap – well, you’d be wrong. I set my alarm like a responsible person and actually managed to get up when it went off. It probably helped that I was laying on top of the covers with only my sleeping pants on, so it was a little cold and I had to pee. But it was awesome to sleep…until it reached 11PM and I’m WIDE awake. Still. Even at 1:30 in the morning now.

So anyways, I got my Twin Peaks Season 2! And I couldn’t stop watching Disc 2 – it has Episodes 11-14, which are pretty much the best part of Season 2, as it’s when you get all the Harold Smith drama with Donna and Maddy as well as one of the scariest episodes of TV…ever. Episode 14’s reveal of who Laura Palmer’s killer is just as scary as it was back when I watched it the first time in 1990. 1990!!!! That was 17 years ago. This show is that old?????WTFO? Then after watching 4 episodes of that, I HAD to watch my Survivor, which was very entertaining. Then of course I watched the Ugly Betty special that was on, and after that, Scrubs (still can’t believe they killed off Nurse Laverne!!!!!). Was I tired at that point? Uh, no. So I cracked open the laptop and continued working on the two major projects I have in store for the site. Last night I was working on getting an old website feature back up and running again – and it is. I am not going to link to it just yet, but if any of you are serious fans of the website, you’ll remember a feature that was quite entertaining for a while. And yes, it’s exactly what you’re thinking it is. The initials were S.G., if that helps. And the other major project I’m working on is getting all these damn Europe pictures up! So of course I wanted to create an interesting front page for that picture section. Here’s what I’ve got so far – you can’t click through yet to see each Days’ events, and Days 5-8 aren’t even shown yet, but consider this a tease.

In other news, I finally got my resume mostly done. I’m awaiting a few more updates from objective eyes, and then it’ll be time to ship that baby out.

Well, keep your fingers crossed that by the time you’re reading this, I was notified of a snow day. Otherwise I’m in for a very cranky Friday. Bah!

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